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Conscious Relationship Weekend Workshop In Sydney

  • 113-115 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia (map)


Heart-Opening Activation: Learn how to bring sacred practices into your relationships, especially the one with yourself facilitated by a trauma coach and experience with heart-centered participants to share your intentions, sacred shares, heart-felt connection activities as well as somatic and energetic work to move stagnant energy and emotional blockages.

Relationship Constellation: Identify what is needed to shift your relationship dynamics with your beloved to highlight internal and external blocks to support you moving forward or what is in the way of manifesting or connecting with your soulmate. This spiritually relational process will help you to gain insights into your journey with intimacy, unconditional love and passion.

Conscious Communication: Learn how to have structured, safe, open-hearted and emotionally vulnerable conversations with your beloved to authentically express your ownership of your shadow playing out in the relationship, addressing triggering behaviours and reframing the experience by having shared input about how that situation came about and bringing you and your partner back into the present moment through acceptance, forgiveness and gratitude exercises.

Divine Union Embodiedment: Learn how to pinpoint and release shadow patterns of the wounded masculine and feminine that are being projected into your relationships, along with open discussions of rolemodels in your family dynamic and how to restore balance between your healthy feminine and masculine to bring yourself into alignment and in your sacred relationship. This experience is delivered through mirror work, sensual movement, creative expression, tantra, core energetic techniques and integrative exercises for you to feel alive and confident in your temple.

Celebration Ceremony: Bathe in an enriching chamber of unconditional love as your senses are tantalised in the most nurturing way where you are glorified for your divinity and sexuality through tantric touch, energy healing, chanting, singing, sound therapy, loving acknowledgement as well as being cleansed and blessed from mother earth. This tribal experience evokes profound spiritual healing and integration of your god or goddess spirit, allowing you to surrender into wholeness.

Closing Circle: Q&A, personalised card reading as an individual (and as couples) to move forward, reflection and heart opening exercises and chanting meditation to experience fullness, expansion and lightness as you ground and integrate from this weekend immersion.