Connect & celebrate love in high-vibe spaces

Check out our amazing team of Facilitators, Artists, Hearts of Lovefest and Markets below, or search for your favourite!

 Lovefest Facilitators

“The teacher arrives when the student is ready”.

Facilitators form the base of the Lovefest journeys, and help us to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the inner work needed to grow and thrive.


Adam Wiltshire

Adam is the Founder and Master Instructor of Dragonfly Qigong. Qigong is a graceful and powerful practice for grounding and centering yourself, clearing energetic blockages with ease. 

Adam has been practicing Qigong and meditation for over 9 years and it was inspirational to him in healing from anxiety and depression and overcoming heavy medication which he has been free from for 5 years.

He now specialises in teaching Qigong for mental health recovery and holds classes in addiction and rehabilitation centres, corporate wellbeing as well as public classes. He maintains a personal daily practice of Qigong and meditation and is an advocate for a preventative approach to mental health and wellbeing. 


Alex Norman

Alexandra Norman is a certified Nonviolent Communication trainer with The Centre for NVC and has a decade of experience and expertise in the field.

She teaches simple yet highly effective communication techniques to help people respond to life instead of reacting to it.

Alex lives on the Central Coast and also identifies as sole parent, musician and circus artist.


Amrit Indraratna

Born and raised in Wollongong and from Sri Lankan heritage, Amrit Indra (Shiggadee) is an up and coming rapper who creates conscious hip-hop flowing from the soul. Amrit lives and breathes music, his versatile musical background rooted in piano, drums and guitar. As a teenager and adult, he played in various bands and found natural talents in beatboxing and freestyle rapping.

As an aspiring conscious hip-hop artist, his lyrical content is crafted on spirituality, mindfulness and positive psychology. Reflecting on his unique but relatable experiences, Amrit delivers a quick, energetic flow captivating listeners with his spicy rhythms and messages of love


Anna Tadros - Playfest

Anna is the founder of PlayFest Retreat and a certified Breathless Expeditions Breathwork Instructor based in Sydney. She's also the facilitator manager with Lovefest Australia and collaborates with others in the community such as Tribr Program and Compound Grappling Gym for greater connection, health, wealth and love.


Batucada Funk

Batucada Funk - Is a drumming group inspired by Samba and other awesome beats, with a horn section giving us that banging party vibe.

Led by Tribe Leader Gary Jenkins, Batucada Funk will bring their fun carnivale energy to Lovefest with their Brazilian Samba Drumming crew. Regulars of Lovefest and Unity, this 10 piece band brings a soulful banging party vibe. Available for hire


Beth Russell

Beth is an Enneagram Facilitator who embodies her middle name – “Joy”. Joy is one of the gifts of her Enneagram personality type. The Enneagram has made a big impact for Beth as understanding her type has generated freedom, self awareness and permission to embrace her true potential.

Beth has facilitated group programs in trauma, addiction, dialogue for peaceful change & mediation. Beth is certified in Pastoral care and has been a carer for teenagers in out-of-home care. 


Bini Noble

A filmmaker, best-selling co-author of Change Makers 3rd Edition, TEDx speaker, Women’s circle facilitator, and soul coach that strives to inspire and transform you from your root.

Bini is an Indian by descent, born in the Middle East and having lived in multiple countries, currently in Australia. She is here to serve no matter where she’s planted, hoping to go wherever the Universe calls her to live her life to the fullest and inspire others to do the same.


Courtney Krulis

Courtney Krulis is a published-author and multi-passionate entrepreneur who is on a mission to spread positivity to the world. She is the co-founder of Rise Disco, an uplifting movement experience which involves dance, breathwork and meditation. Through her facilitation, Courtney encourages people to move through their stress and anxiety to find their creativity, positivity, and flow.

Courtney also facilitates private functions and corporate events. You can enquire here:


Greg and Kerryn Barwick

Greg & Kerryn are passionate about helping individuals CONNECT deeply with themselves, feel safe in their own bodies and to bring love & acceptance to all parts of themselves.

Bringing together modern and ancient wisdoms (NLP, Tantra, Hypnosis, Somatic release, Breathwork, Embodied Movement) They share the message that “You have access to everything you need, WISDOM, POWER, PLEASURE & FREEDOM all inside of yourself.”


Hayley Melrose

Hayley is a Visionary Healing Artist, from Sydney, Australia. She is passionate about change and holding space for transformation. She activates and energises people in such a deep yet playful way. People naturally feel free to express anything and open up, in sessions with Hayley.

There is an instant familiarity, such trust, and encouragement. Whether it be Soul Photography, Kundalini Dance or Stone Healing, you will be taken on a journey deep inside yourself. She is a juicy, embodied Empowerment Leader, encouraging fellow Soul Tribe, to step up, live their dream, and believe in magic


Jake Cassar

Jake Cassar is a passionate Bushcraft teacher, youth mentor and conservationist specialising in edible and medicinal native and introduced plants in Australia.

Jake has worked with much respected Aboriginal elders in NSW and Central and Western Australia and is well known for leading successful campaigns to create new National Parks on the Central Coast, and for his devotion to raising funds and awareness for local charities such as homeless outreach centres, mental health support services, suicide prevention networks, youth support organisations, animal welfare groups and many more.


Jasper Vallance - Xstatic Sunsets

Realising the transformative power of purpose for individuals and businesses to step up into their potential, Jasper went down the rabbit hole to understand ‘how’ we discover our purpose. Creating programs for individuals and businesses to discover the potential that lies within and step up into their potential of impact and growth.


Josh Oshlack

Josh Oshlack uses music to make a positive difference in people. Founder of The Rhythm Village, he runs music programs for kids and adults with special needs, mental health and the disengaged.

Seeing people's abilities and finding their strengths, using music to engage and inviting opportunities to shine.


Lisa Crawford

Lisa is a talented yogi and trainer, and also a co-founder of UnlimitedPotential.

She has also been a committed explorer working in a range of corporate and consulting roles focused on process improvement and financial performance.
She then discovered her passion for yoga, training in various styles across Australia, Italy and most recently in Rishikesh, India. She has taught at festivals and retreats centres across Australia and loves to integrate different practices and tools to still the mind and release tension in the body. She combines breathwork and the power of sound vibration learnt in the Himalayas, with a wave of movement, to return us to our deeper essence. Restorative yoga practices are also offered for going deep into relaxation of the muscles as well as energy medicine, to rebalance our meridian lines.

She facilitates workshops which combine her favourite modalities and practices to unlock our unlimited potential.


Ludamila (Lu) Jin

Lu is a Life & Wellbeing Coach, Energy Healer, Neuro Semantics & Enneagram Facilitator. Through her own personal development work, she has overcome many obstacles and today brings with her much courage and resilience. Lu’s mission is to help heal the world from human suffering and empower people in going deep within to rediscover their internal powers and lead them into a journey of success and personal evolution.


Lynda Millin Osborne

Lynda Millin Osborne is the founder and creative director of Cockatoo Dreaming. She is a proud Wudjehbal Woman from the Bundjalung nation on the Clarence River NSW. Lynda Millin is a wisdom keeper, educator, trainer, gifted speaker, MC, storyteller, and mentor.

Her mission is to support people she meets to become empowered to connect with themselves, their ancestors, loved ones, their community and nature, to create a life they love living. She leads Cockatoo Dreaming Women's Circles, Retreats, Corporate presentations and works 1on1 with clients.


Marco Tesi

Marco has vast experience working in the field of healing arts and generously donates his time and energy to volunteer in bringing healing to the community.

He is qualified in integrative breathing techniques, somatic healing therapies and adaptive embodiment practices for treating post traumatic stress disorder in a multidisciplinary approach.

He is certified in integral vibrational sound healing and also energy psychic healing with hands or at distance.


Marlena Davis

Marlena Davis, also known as the Ice Queen and one of the leading Wim Hof Method Instructors in Sydney. She guides people into life changing experiences through breathwork and icebaths. Sometimes over 100 people in one session as seen at Lovefest and Unity. Also a Hypnotherapist and a NLP coach, and passionate about empowering people to achieve their deepest desires and become the best versions of themselves.

From Marlena “I’m confident I can help people find what really drives them, what they are really here to do, and assist with finding their purpose in life. But first, we will start with clearing anything that doesn’t serve us and in doing this a clear picture will emerge.


Michelle Mahrer

Michelle Mahrer is the director of RADIANCE DANCE 5RHYTHMS. She is a 5Rhythms dance teacher, dance therapist and filmmaker. 5Rhythms is a dynamic movement meditation practise that catalyses deep change, healing and transformation.

The 5rhythms technique is based on the way all energy moves in the world through nature and in life. The technique moves through a series of 5 basic rhythms - flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness which together form a wave. Rather than having steps to follow, each rhythm is a different energy field in which you find your own expression and choreography. Through following these rhythms we surrender to our own authentic way of moving, and become a flow of energy, moving into a larger dimension of ourselves, beyond the mind, personality and ego, awakening our heart, spirit and soul.


Natasha Crane

Natasha Crane is the creator and director of Natasha Crane Creations, established in 2015.
A holistic container dedicated to the service of humanity through dance, yoga, emotional healing and coaching.

Natasha has a Diploma in performing arts and has enjoyed a successful career as a professional dancer, choreographer and creative director. She is also a certified life coach, emotional healer and yoga teacher.

Knowing that each healing modality has different value to each individual, Natasha loves bringing movement and expression into the work she does liberating people from their minds and finding freedom through movement. With years of experience creating and holding safe space for people in a multitude of settings. Natasha guides people to explore themselves deeply with curiosity and unconditional love.


Nicolas Perrin

Nicolas supports individuals to catalyse your destiny path through your In-Sourced connection and knowing. Nicolas will guide and support you down the path of heart wisdom and aligning with universal principles so that you can live a life that is purposeful and one of service. Shifting out of being tied down by the invisible bonds of the collective unconscious as you learn to unplug from the restrictions, limitations and negative world views that keep humanity disempowered, small, in poverty / lack, separation and in misery.

Nicolas is aligning with individuals who wish to support the New Earth paradigm, participating in the shifting of consciousness so that the new systems and structures can be perceived and grounded onto Earth. Do reach out if you resonate with any of the above.


Nikki Boorroo Spirit

Boorroo is an Original Woman of the Walbunja and Wawarrawarri peoples of the Sydney and South Coast NSW areas. She is a Mother, Grandmother, Aunty, a Ceremonial Leader, Spiritual Medicine Woman and Artist. 

Boorroos’ offering is the Welcome, as well as the gift of connecting us deeper to Mother Earth, Ourself, Our Ancestors and Each Other.

Boorroos Gifts 2 U


Rache Moore

Rache Moore is a ceremonialist, best-selling author, teacher and producer of ecstatic, evolutionary experiences. She hosts online courses and in-person retreats in Modern Mysticism and Self Love, sharing tools and perspectives for personal empowerment and holistic healing.

In 2012 Rache founded Rainbow Tribe, a creative platform for people to return to their true cyclical nature by honouring the rhythms and seasons of nature in ceremony and celebration. She presents to audiences around the world at festivals, conferences, and retreats at Evermoore Castle in Bellingen with her husband Andre Meyer.


SaltAsh Collective

SaltAsh Collective is the soulful business of Ash Cotterill.

SaltAsh is an extension of her soul, her journey and the joy and wisdom in which she shares with others in tribe by creating a conscious wellness community.

SaltAsh is a collective space offering classes of Yoga, Meditation, Movement by fitness & Movement by free flow dance events, womens circles and day and weekend retreats where I bring all together in sacredness with Pachamama, Mother Earth.


Saul Smith

Saul is a highly experienced drum circle facilitator and performer. He loves sharing his immense passion for music, drumming and life. He started his drumming career whilst in high school, and toured extensively throughout Australia, U.S.A and Japan. Saul further developed his knowledge of music and drumming with studies at the Australian Institute of Music.

Saul provides exciting and dynamic African drumming performances to connect and inspire you. He is committed to sharing his passion for drumming, music and life with people. It is all about connecting individuals, creating community and celebrating life through rhythm. Drumming has a long history of uniting and inspiring groups and is a powerful medium to communicate, motivate, heal and uplift.


Sonia Brown - Zenthai

Sonia Brown - supports people to enhance their life, health and vitality with movement and quality touch. She facilitates Zenthai Shiatsu treatments, workshops, and courses including the 9 month therapist programme.

Her experience as a coach/teacher/facilitater is vast, stretching over almost 30 years since she was a young gymnastics coach. She is a patient, encouraging and joyful support to others who want to learn, and become empowered/capable. In the last 10 years she has been learning and sharing the practice of Zenthai, which draws from the respected healing arts of Zen Shiatsu, Traditional Thai Massage and Osteopathic technique. Zenthai weaves them together with mindfulness at the core.


Shari Elle

Shari is a co-founder of NVC in Australia and has offered NVC trainings since 2001. She has worked extensively with Dr Marshall Rosenberg and is Certified as an International NVC Trainer with CNVC.

Shari works with Leaders to bring awareness and authenticity to every interaction. She cares about creating Authentic Powerful Leaders who bring clarity of purpose, honesty and deep empathy to each interaction. This is the power needed to create the world we want to live in. She mentors future NVC trainers, works in organisations, runs a 6-month Peer Leadership Program, advanced trainings & coaches one on one.


Tim Selwyn

Tim honours the ancient lore of his people and the spirits of his ancestors through art and teaching.

His ancestral line comes from the Wongaibon people (Central West NSW), his Mother was born in Dubbo on Wiradjuri country and Tim was born in Gilgandra, on Wailwan country.

Few know the land upon which they grow like Tim and his people. Along with a network of experts in cultural dancing, singing, bush medicine and tucker, Girri Girra is committed to sharing this knowledge through firsthand experience, guiding people through this ancient country, its history and customs.


Tully Firbank

After a series of life-changing injuries, Tully experienced a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening that cracked her connection to the Divine wide open.

A philosopher of the human journey towards the highest truth of Unconditional Love, Tully has invested her time in studying trauma and its effect on the human mind and body, and how this effects people on an emotional, energetic and quantum level, which gave birth to Shadow Flower Healing.

Tully’s vision is to provide sacred space for supporting people in their healing and transformational process, as well as creating interactive programs and events where people can experience Community Collaboration, and understand how to respect and connect with Mother Earth.



Music and dance is celebration, storytelling is a way to share wisdom and connect. Together, these all help us to connect on a soul level. These artists create from the heart to bring us experiences to treasure.

See also: Facilitators, Markets and Hearts of Lovefest


Afro Moses

Afro Moses is a Multi-Instrumentalist Singer/Songwriter from Ghana, West Africa, who resides in Australia.

He is a natural-born Performer and Teacher, with a magnetism that attracts thousands to his Concerts. Joined by other Musicians from around the world, Afro Moses creates a high energy show that will leave you wanting more!

His intimate solo performances are inspiring and educational, featuring 14 different traditional Instruments from Africa, which calms and uplifts the Spirit. His music also can make you want to dance! The fusion of traditional instruments with modern techniques, amaze his audience, young and all.


Andre Meyer

Andre Meyer is a Global beats Collector. Passionate about giving back to community, humanity and nature. André finds inspiration for his music and methodology by studying tribal culture, his music reflects this, carrying audiences from Amazonian villages to intergalactic realms. Andre has played in open air Parties, night clubs and festivals around the world since 1996, from Downtempo, Global , Trance to Hypnotic beats, to barefoot dance, Shamanic sounds to connect ancient culture to make his Dj set as a cosmic ritual.



Aljamía is a recently founded dance, fire arts and music collective inspired by medieval Europe and La Convivencia. Songs and dances from the golden age of Islam and Judaism, Christian musician kings, visionary saints, anonymous minstrels and street performers. Aljamía takes you on a journey to a forgotten and erased past of multiculturalism, wisdom and beauty.

Our ensemble consists of six performers bringing our talents together in the spirit of dance and music, to bring joy to other people. Hannah Dauphy (fire and dancing), João Almeida (bagpipes and flutes) Margot Davrinche (handpan), Rocío Albacache (violin), Sebastian Forno (accordion) & Yiss Mill (percussion).


Alexis Star

Alexis Star is an independent acoustic artist, songwriter, vocal sound healer, alchemy crystal singing bowl practitioner, voice activator & DJ. Star loves to travel around this beautiful country chasing waves and sharing her gift at festivals, events, venues and yoga studios.


Ali Skiba

Ali is a sound healer, breathwork instructor and voice alchemist on a mission to serve humanity - helping guide truth seekers on their self exploration journeys in person and online.

Brad Spali

Master DJ Brad Spali takes you on spiritual house journey spreading love via the Dj decks with his 18 years experience. Deep heartfelt music with lots of soul is what he is known for.

Euphoric house DJ Brad Spali spreading love via the decks for 18 years in Sydney and abroad. His style is melodic, heart felt, uplifting, mystical and dreamy whilst mixing a spiritual journey set of all types of house.



Stumbling through existence I have often found and redemption in nature and music... my voice has been my greatest gift in helping me to connect to the true essence of my soul and I love to share this with others...I believe in the healing power of music, to connect, to transcend and transform this world :-)

Contact me on: bandcamp


Charles Myssy - Bondi Sunset Drumming

Charles is the co-founder of Tribr, an online shadow work program that guides people to healing and transform their lives. He’s also the co-founder of Bondi Sunset Music, a sober beach party filled with multicultural percussion instruments that seeks to reconnect people through dance and music.

He facilitates Inner Child Workshops that guide people to achieving breakthroughs, and that equips them with the tools to navigate reality in a deeper more meaningful way with themselves and each other.



A new formation with band members spanning across 4 different countries and cultures for this unique funky jazz fusion. Cami Parr, Ganathipan, Daniel Melillán and Tommy K.

For more info contact Cami on facebook


Cielo Ellis-Vega

Cielo Ellis-Vega is a soulful & spiritual reggae-influenced musician who creates truly magical rhythms with his voice, guitar & looper pedal.

Cielo with his epic voice sang some songs for us at Lovefest in January 2021 and then was the star of the show at Newtown Mystery Mic at Lovefest HQ in June last year.


Curt Alchemy - Thrive Tribe

CURT ALCHEMY is the founder of Thrive Tribe Australia.

Thrive Tribe brings Men, Women and Children together to celebrate the greatest experiences of life through a variety of live events and two day festivals which include offerings and entertainment such as Tribal Drumming, Organic Super Foods, Live DJ Performances and much more.


David Holberton

David Holberton and N’Gaire Howard planted native bush tucker species at 40acres on behalf of Lovefest and the extraordinary fund raising efforts of the Central Coast Lovefest community back in 2019.

David and N’Gaire have the Earth Heart Association, a not for profit foundation dedicated to ecological regenerative work.


Eliza Kate

Eliza Kate is a creative visionary and the founder of SingFest, an online and live singing community that encourages students to empower their life through song.

She is a singer, performer and trainer with 22 years’ experience, passionate about building community through the power of music, authentic self-expression and communal experiences.


Emanuel Lieberfreund

Emanuel Lieberfreund is passionate about the power of music to evoke the sacred and to instill everyday life with meaning and joy.

He studied classical and jazz flute at the Sydney Conservatorium, and is a seasoned flautist, saxophonist and percussionist in Australia and Asia, in jazz, world music, sacred music, and music for dance therapy, yoga and meditation. His music is also informed by enquiries into hatha and bhakti yoga, Chinese medicine and chi gung, Kabbalah, and 5 Rhythms Dance. He is a member of the Indian/jazz/flamenco fusion band "Shanti Fire", of the sound healing project "Flowstate", and of the latin band "Toque Latino." His meditative world music album "Atma's Sphere" has been played on Radio National, Eastside Radio, Northside Radio, Soul Traveller Radio and Bondi FM.


Francesco Santo

Francesco favours mostly those sounds that are not only meant to’ be listened too but especially felt with your body! With closed eyes and a crispy clean sound system! The low frequency has to be detailed to transfer the vibes all over and be absorbed trans-dermally


Jesse (Jester) Firebrand

Jester Firebrand is a passionate musician and yogi. With three contemporary acoustic albums, Jester has performed around New Zealand, Australia, and his home country Canada; at Festivals around N.Z. and Australia like Mix, O’ Heart, Autumn Arena, Dimension, and the International Yoga Festival; as well as regularly hosting his workshops at yoga studios.

Jester Firebrand fights for spiritual revolution through Trance, Dance, & Primal Chant. With freestyle bars and hooks from the universe. Surrender yourself to the cosmos on the dance floor, into visualisation, vocalisation, & vibration. Turn Up, Let Go, Transform.


Leandro Villamil

Leandro's music is an exploration of ancient mythology and folkloric traditions in a modern setting. It invokes the landscapes and rituals of his homeland, Colombia, a country that is home to the Andes mountains, the Amazon jungle and Caribbean waters. Leandro was born in a small town called Chiquinquira, near Colombia’s capital Bogota


Madelyn Beaufils

Madelyn is a 24-year-old Singer-Songwriter from the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney whose music is a cocktail of Pop-Rock-Country & Folk- Fusion.

Along with her solo career, Madelyn has also dabbled in many spiritual practice over the years where she has found solace in using her powerful vocals to connect deeper with body - mind - spirit - and help others do the same.

She is passionate about bringing people together through her love for music, and hopes to create a safe and welcoming space to join in and "sing the love" !


Marc Kundalini

Marc ‘Kundalini’ is a DJ, didgeridoo player, sound healer, public speaker and champion for First Nations cultures. Guided by a passion for raising consciousness & strengthening community through sacred music and ceremony,

Marc's sonic artistry has supported luminaries and conscious artists. Marc regularly plays for sound baths, yoga and meditation groups, and facilitates nature reconnection experiences.


Marty BRight

Marty Bright is an award winning wizard of wordsmithery complete with comedic, poetic and musical vibes. He has performed far and wide including shows in NZ, USA and Canada and festivals such as Dragon Dreaming, Nimbin Mardi Grass, NZ Spirit Fest and EarthBeat NZ 


Orly Faya

Orly Faya is a multi disciplinary artist, passionate about form, colour, and visionary expressions.

Freelancing her artistry all over the world for the last 20 years, and collaborating with many amazing artists, Orly became masterful in the art form of mimetic body painting, aka disappearing people into their environments.

Today her shows combine paint, performance, storytelling and a live weaving of the rooms energies, bringing a sense of catharsis, transformation and wonder to any space.

After many years out in the world, Orly is currently nesting in her hometown of Sydney, creating commissioned body paint artworks in her studio and painting live at events throughout the state. To book her for your own custom creation, go to


Papa Fire

Papa Fire (aka D.A. Carter) makes music in the moment, whether it's fronting his band or getting loopy on the move with his beatbox buffet of audible delicacies. Choice cuts of six string, organic vocals, smoky beatbox, all nestled in a creamy mash of loop pedals.


Paul Pearlstone - Silent Rave

Paul Pearlstone is a music producer and plays live sets of Electronica, Downtempo and Triphop. He also DJ's and hosts underground events all over Australia with a focus on mind body fitness and well being. He is the resident DJ at The SIlent Rave. I like to take people on a journey with every set.

When he’s not producing music, playing or working the dance floors at one of our parties, he loves to bring the music to you. He loves to create, curate and deliver.

Rhythm of Sound

Rhythm of Sound is a collective of Sydney based Sound Healers and musicians from all around the World.

The unique offerings of each artist are layered together beautifully to take you on a deep shamanic journey through time and space, where the vibrations of sound awaken a deeper connection to your spirit and support the release of what no longer serves you.

Our medicine is shared directly from our hearts to yours, working with a variety of organic instruments and ancient sound techniques to weave a story of true remembrance of our connection to the Earth and All That Is.

The 5 piece band consists of Danielle Smith, Tully Firbank, Gina Ivonne Cardena, Camillo Paras, and Gary Jenkins.



Destiny is yoga and meditation teacher, breathwork facilitator, sound healer, and ceremonialist as well as a certified Secondary Education English Teacher.

She creates spaces for people to wake up from the trance of old belief systems and step into the wholeness of who we are.

Bess is a Shamanic Sound & Reiki Healer, Ceremonialist, Rebirthing Breathwork, Meditation & Yoga Teacher and is passionate about guiding others into The Art of Ceremony and awakening to their true self. Bess infuses her love of sound, movement and creative self-expression into all of her offerings.



Veda is a yogini/music dream weaving magician. When she gets behind the decks she channels the goddess in a deeply passionate and entertaining fashion.

Kali has been known to make herself at home in Veda's vessel when she gets into the flow and brings the vibe for all of her dance floor devas and devis.

As a healer, meditation initiator and yoga teacher she knows how to spin and weave the energy to lift and shift the frequency of the dance floor. Get ready to be transported to the higher realms of ecstacy and bliss filled joy!



YemiTheCat is an artist and an international DJ, Producer from Manchester with an infectious personality. He has been a regular feature at all Lovefest curated parties and festivals (Lovefest, Unity, Land in Love, ClubLove) and is also the co-creator and resident DJ at Move4Love events, a healthy dance movement.

Catch YemiTheCat on his weekly radio show, The Beat Kitchen on Sundays from 5pm-6pm on Sydney-based radio station WWW.2SER.COM 107.3FM. 


Yolanda Morabito

I am Yolanda Morabito. I believed life is about LOVE and healing, understanding what you are made of and how you can be the best you can be. I am practitioner for Kinesiology, Breathwork, and Hands on Energy Healing.

I facilitate group therapy and meditation for Inner Transformation and development of a souls Journey, with a deeper connection to self, our Earth and other people.


Hearts of Lovefest

Keeping Lovefest beating, our awesome crew bring you events and ways to connect with the Lovefest values.

See also: Artists , Facilitators, and Markets


Joe Figliano

Joe Figliano (2017-present) is the visionary and founder of Lovefest. He has a dream to create magical spaces around Australia and the world: that allow more Love for Self, Community and Planet. His passion is to share his vision of Lovefest, and expand where it’s needed within communities. His gift is connecting with people that are in alignment and bringing people together , with Love .

He has co-created all Lovefest events (over 20) in different regions, communities, in different venues , bringing together local teams and facilitators.

Joe is now looking forward to giving the space for others to create Lovefest events while he embarks on building his dream and vision of Lovefest Global. Know that even if you have all his attention , Joe always keeps an eye on his vision .


Kat Cowling

Kat Cowling (2021-present) also known as MamaKat is a very loving person that always seems to have just what you need at the time that you need it. She has sprinkled her Love across all areas of Lovefest supporting its growth not just from a functional perspective but more so from a cultural perspective.

Kat is a special leader that has a way with people and teams giving them the space to shine as leaders as well. Kat has brought in her gift of creatively developing systems and designs that support community to engage with the values and vision, both through the website and at Lovefest events.


Khushi Devikalar

Khushi Devikalar (2019-present) is an amazing human and fun bollywood dancer that has brought much magic to Lovefest via her connection to the ancestors and spirits of the land, building incredible installations filled with Love along with delightful decorations.

She is a professional interior designer who helps Lovefest to create visions and intentions for events. Also creates space planning designs for camping events by using her designer skills. She has been an important leader at Lovefest as she continues to share her gifts to create spaces that bring more love in the community.

Khushi brought the vision of the Love Portal to Lovefest 11.11.21 and has continued to evolve that vision and is passionate about continuing to bring it to Life in the Lovefest 11.11 festivals.


Yvan Fournier

Yvan Fournier (2019-Present) began with Lovefest as a photographer with an amazing ability to capture the moment and really bring out the Love and magic in others. Yvan is also known as CareBear , for his grounding hugs and holding space for individuals.

Yvan also loves solving all types of problems and has been co creator of the Lovefest Values and Principles and Camping weekends since 2020. He has supported Lovefest many times as logistics and site manager. You will see him zooming around on his scooter, wearing the Lovefest colours, stop him, and experience his famous hug.



These contributors bring us nourishment, creative ways to express our uniqueness and gifts for ourselves and others.

See also: Artists, Facilitators and Hearts of Lovefest


Awake Water

Sourced from a pristine, deep underground spring located in the scenic Southern Highlands of NSW.

Delivered to your home or office within the shortest time possible upon the collection from the spring to ensure the water is as fresh as it can be

Healthy Eating ; Attuned Living

Thrive with our nutrient dense, delicious plant based and gluten free catering for events and festivals.Adaptogenic elixirs with herbal medicine & detox cleanses to support your return to wholesome wellness & attuned living.

Contact us on: facebook


Jeevi The Laughing Chef

Jeevi’s colourful and rivetingly-tasty plant based dishes are made with fresh and organic ingredients and served up with generous outpourings of his wholehearted laughter. His much raved about style of cooking is always abundant and packed with full of moment-enhancing-good flavour. His huge passion for preparing and helping people learn how to prepare this style of food, is getting very popular in Sydney.